Yahoo Finance Stock Data API

Reading time: 6 minutes

As a data analyst, I am always on the lookout for reliable sources of financial data. One such source that has been gaining popularity in recent years is Yahoo Finance Stock Data API. This API provides real-time and historical stock data for thousands of publicly traded companies. In this article, I will share my experience of using Yahoo Finance Stock Data API to retrieve and store data in a SQL database.

Yahoo Finance Stock Data API

Benefits of using Yahoo Finance Stock Data API

The first benefit of using Yahoo Finance Stock Data API is its availability. Unlike some other financial data APIs, Yahoo Finance Stock Data API is free to use and does not require any special permission or registration. This means that anyone can access the data and start building applications that use it.

The second benefit is the quality and completeness of the data. Yahoo Finance Stock Data API provides real-time data for stocks listed on major exchanges such as NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX. The data includes not only the current price and volume but also historical prices, dividends, splits, and other important metrics. This makes it a valuable resource for traders, investors, and analysts who need to track the performance of specific stocks over time.

Understanding the structure of Yahoo Finance Stock Data API

Before we dive into the details of retrieving and storing data from Yahoo Finance Stock Data API, let’s first understand its structure. The API is based on RESTful principles and uses HTTP requests to communicate with the server. The base URL for the API is

To retrieve data for a specific stock, we need to specify its ticker symbol in the URL. For example, to retrieve data for Apple Inc. (AAPL), we would use the following URL:

The response from the server is in JSON format and contains a lot of information about the stock, including its historical prices, volume, and other metrics. We can use this data to build charts, graphs, and other visualizations that help us understand the performance of the stock.

How to retrieve data from Yahoo Finance Stock Data API

Now that we understand the structure of Yahoo Finance Stock Data API, let’s see how we can retrieve data from it. We can use any programming language that supports HTTP requests and JSON parsing to retrieve data from the API. In this article, I will be using Python.

The first step is to import the necessary libraries. We will be using the requests library to send HTTP requests and the json library to parse the response from the server.

import requests

import pyodbc

Next, we need to specify the URL for the API and the ticker symbol for the stock we want to retrieve data for. In this example, we will be retrieving data for Apple Inc. (AAPL).

# Configurações de API do Yahoo Finance

symbol = 'AAPL' # Símbolo da ação

interval = '1d' # Intervalo de tempo dos dados (1 dia)

url = f'{symbol}?interval={interval}&range=1y'

We can then send a GET request to the API and parse the JSON response using the json library.

# Faz a requisição para a API do Yahoo Finance

response = requests.get(url)

# Pega os dados da requisição em formato JSON

data = response.json()

# Extrai os dados das ações

prices = data['chart']['result'][0]['indicators']['quote'][0]['close'] timestamps = data['chart']['result'][0]['timestamp']

The prices variable now contains a lot of information about the stock, including its historical prices, volume, and other metrics. We can extract the data we need and store it in a SQL database for further analysis.

Storing data in SQL database

To store the data in a SQL database, we need to first set up a database and tables for the stock data. We can use any SQL database management system that supports Python, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. In this example, we will be using SQLite.

The first step is to create a database connection and connect using to SQL Database using Pyodbc Python library.

# Configurações de conexão com o banco de dados

server = 'localhost'

database = 'finance'

username = 'myusername'

password = 'mypassword'

driver = '{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}'

# Cria a conexão com o banco de dados

conn = pyodbc.connect(f'DRIVER={driver};SERVER={server};DATABASE={database};UID={username};PWD{password}')

We can then create a table to store the stock data. In this example, we will be creating a table called “AAPL” with columns for date, open price, high price, low price, close price, and volume.

CREATE TABLE stock_data (symbol varchar(50) NOT NULL,date date NOT NULL,open float NOT NULL,
high float NOT NULL,low float NOT NULL,close float NOT NULL,volume int NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT pk_stock_data PRIMARY KEY (symbol, date));

We can now loop through the data returned by the API and insert it into the database.

# Insere os dados no banco de dados

cursor = conn.cursor()

for i in range(len(prices)):

sql = f"INSERT INTO stock_data (symbol, price, timestamp) VALUES ('{symbol}', {prices[i]}, {timestamps[i]})"


The above code will insert the data for Apple Inc. (AAPL) into the “AAPL” table in the database. We can now use SQL queries to retrieve and analyze the data.

Best practices for using Yahoo Finance

While Yahoo Finance Stock Data API is a powerful tool for retrieving financial data, there are some best practices that we should follow to ensure that we use it effectively and responsibly.

First, we should always check the terms of service and usage limits for the API. Yahoo Finance Stock Data API is free to use, but there may be restrictions on the number of requests we can make per day or per minute. If we exceed these limits, our access to the API may be restricted or blocked.

Second, we should always handle errors and exceptions when retrieving data from the API. The API may return errors if the requested data is not available or if there is a problem with the request. We should have a robust error handling mechanism in place to handle these situations.

Third, we should always respect the privacy and security of the data we retrieve from the API. We should only store and use the data for legitimate purposes and take appropriate measures to protect it from unauthorized access or disclosure.

Conclusion and next steps

In this article, we have seen how to use Yahoo Finance Stock Data API to retrieve and store financial data in a SQL database. We have also seen some best practices for using the API effectively and responsibly.

If you are interested in exploring this topic further, you can try retrieving data for different stocks, building visualizations, or analyzing the data using SQL queries. Yahoo Finance Stock Data API is a valuable resource for anyone who needs access to real-time and historical financial data.

Thank you for reading!

If you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out our other related content for even more insights and tips on Alpha Vantage Free Stock Market API. Happy reading!

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