Advertising Disclosure

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At our website, our top priority is to be completely transparent with you, our readers.

Every single post on our website includes a clear disclosure that informs you about any affiliate relationships we may have. This means that if you click through, make a purchase or sign up for a service through our links, we may earn a commission. But don’t worry, these commissions won’t affect the amount you pay, so you’ll always pay the same price whether you go through our website or not.

We only have relationships with a small selection of the companies that we mention on our website. In fact, there are plenty of companies that we discuss where we have no affiliation whatsoever.

Our content is based on the latest trends, popular topics, and what’s happening in the Canadian tech scene. Whenever we have the chance to link to merchants in our content, we take it. However, many of the posts on our site don’t have any affiliate links at all.

We share unbiased reviews, comparisons, and other content based on our own experiences and testing. Our aim is to provide timely, accurate, and factually correct information to help you make informed decisions.

Any earnings we make from affiliate relationships are used to support Tech Investy. Additionally, we link to Amazon in some of our content as an Amazon Associate, and we may earn from qualifying purchases. But rest assured, this comes at no extra cost to you.

We’re always here to answer any questions you might have, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for being part of our community!